As of 18 th, most of the National Local Sessions have been closed. The reporter has learned that in the 2019 work plan, active docking is integrated into the "one belt and one road" as the most important task in building an open economy. Experts said that infrastructure and other major projects and capacity cooperation will be the focus. In addition, the second "one belt and one way" International Cooperation summit held in Beijing in April will also become an important force for local expansion of foreign trade and economic cooperation, and more open dividends can be expected.
From all the transcripts, we can see that the "one belt and one way" has become an important growth point of local foreign trade and economic cooperation. For example, in the government work report, Fujian pointed out that through actively integrating into the "one belt and one way" construction and constantly improving the level of open economy, the volume of foreign trade exports in 2018 exceeded 760 billion yuan, and the volume of trade with the countries and regions along haze has increased by more than 11% over the same period.
In the work plan of 2019, Fujian proposed to speed up the development of a higher level of open economy. On the new starting point, we should fully integrate into the "one belt and one road" construction, give full play to the advantages of overseas Chinese, and promote the construction of Hayes core area. We should implement seven landmark projects, such as silk road shipping, silk road flight, international cooperation demonstration park construction, overseas economic and trade cooperation key park construction, deep-sea fishing base construction, cultural tourism brand building, expanding international circle of friends, and promote the ancient Quanzhou (thorn). Tong) and other applications for heritage, forming more visible results.
In 2018, Sichuan achieved an increase of 30% in import and export volume, an increase of 28% in imports and exports along the "one belt along the way", and more than 2600 international lines in the opening line. At the same time, Sichuan has put depth into the construction of "one belt and one road" as the primary task of this year's opening up and cooperation.
The second "one belt and one way" International Cooperation Summit Forum has also become the driving force for China's economic and trade cooperation. At the special news conference held in January, Meng Wei, deputy director and head of the national development and Reform Commission, said that next step, we will continue to grasp the implementation of the first International Cooperation Summit Forum on "one belt and one road". At the same time, we will make preparations for the second Summit Forum and sub forum.
In fact, many places have begun to lay out. Beijing stressed the need to co-ordinate well the service guarantee of the second "one belt and one way" International Cooperation Summit Forum, give full play to the resource advantages of the international exchange center, take the initiative to participate in the construction of the "one belt and one road", and build 4 key platforms for foreign exchanges, scientific and technological support, cultural exchanges and service support, and support enterprises to "go out".
Shanghai has proposed deepening the institutional innovation of the pilot Free Trade Zone, speeding up the establishment of a system linking with the international common rules, further expanding the functions of free trade accounts and "single window" of international trade, and building a "market oriented" market element deployment hub.